CTF competition

SK@UT CTF is a competition designed for anyone interested in developing and testing their skills in the field of cybersecurity. The competition is available online, with no time limits, and all you need to participate is a computer with internet access.

Tasks of varying complexity are available in several categories, such as:

Malware analysis
  • malware allows the attacker to steal data and take control of the infected computer
  • contestants must bypass built-in security measures and help stop the attack by discovering how the malicious code works and how it communicates with the attacker's infrastructure
Digital forensics
  • analysis of disk images, network traffic, memory dumps and other digital artifacts
  • contestants must determine what happened on the computer, locate the malware, understand how the attacker communicates secretly, and uncover any other relevant information
  • encryption and decryption of messages, digital signing, and analysis of various other cryptographic systems
  • contestants must decrypt messages, recover data encrypted by the attacker, and find weaknesses in other cryptographic systems without knowing the key